Thursday, May 13, 2010

Current links for writers - May 13

Mythical Creatures via TalkToYoUniverse

That's Not My Name: Pseudonyms at * Fiction Groupie *

How To: Remove Section Breaks at The Blood-Red Pencil

Humor is a Frog at Book Dreaming

Subtexts, "Hoops," and Industry Standards at BookEnds - about queries

Query keywords at Getting Past the Gatekeeper

#QueryFail: TMI at Books & Such

The One Sentence, One Paragraph, and Two Paragraph Pitch from Nathan Bransford

A Wonderful Game Called "What's My Department and What Does It Do?" at Pimp My Novel

Sub Ops Ten at Paperback Writer - Ten Things About Submission Opportunities (Kids & YA Special Edition)


1000 Words, Part One at KT Literary - win a 30 minute phone conversation with an agent

The Ultimate Interview Contest!! at No Letters On My Keyboard - Zoe will feature the winner on her blog in a guest interview (you also get a nifty golden flash drive)

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