The Sisterhood of the Traveling Blog’s question this month:

I read cozy mysteries, fantasy, and historical novels for entertainment, but I read non-fiction for inspiration. One of my recent favorites is The Writer’s Guide to Psychology, by Carolyn Kaufman. It’s been a bit intimidating that the other ladies of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Blog are all psychologists or medical doctors, but this book made me feel a little less inept.
I also follow blogs about things that interest me, especially about horses. Judith Tarr, a wonderful writer, of Book View Café Blog, has a running series about horses that has given me many ideas to explore.
Lydia’s Medical Mondays gives me great ideas (when it doesn’t gross me out, and more when it does). Laura’s Mental Health Mondays and Sarah’s Strangest Situation give me a lot to think about. (Mostly making me glad I’m not in the psychiatric field. ;-)
Churchill, though, is happy when I read anything, since it means I’m sitting still and he has a warm lap to sleep in. Like right now. LOL!
What do you read for inspiration? What is the right balance to keep you writing?