Tonight I finished the first draft of Monsoon Rain. Or rather, my first time through the first draft. I plan to go back and add the little details that were only inside my mind. Plus catch as many of the 'tell's as I can and turn them into 'show's - I know of one off the top of my head. Rosette loses a shoe. The circumstances around - and her reactions to - the loss of that shoe are more important than it sounds.
After those changes, Monsoon Rain will rest for a month while I re-edit Magic's Child.
Monsoon Rain now stands at 64,790 words, which is at least 15,000 words too short. I can see I may need a new subplot.
I have also started plotting my next book. I need to do some character building before that one goes any farther, though.
Today I wrote a biography for myself. It's supposed to be 300 words long. No way. Sigh.
Deb Salisbury is a Californian living in Texas. Her lifelong love of fantasy - from J. R. R. Tolkien to Mercedes Lackey - inspired her to create a world of her own. She has completed a trilogy showing a boy’s journey from helpless outcast to powerful wizard. Her current project describes a girl’s misadventures with a mad wizard and her family’s attempts to rescue her.
She has written a dictionary of color in history, Elephant's Breath & London Smoke. She is the creator of the Mantua-Maker historical sewing patterns. Her costumes have won Best in Show at Costume Con, organized by the International Costuming Guild. She is a member of Forward Motion, an online writer’s group.
Deb grew up in Northern California, and has lived in England and Colorado. She currently resides in sunny Central Texas. She has been a receptionist, a waitress, a computer programmer, a warranty clerk, a real estate assistant, a costume maker and a dressmaker. Above all, she has been an avid reader.
You can visit her at, and
Does anyone have any suggestions for improvements? Please leave me a comment. I'd be grateful to read your thoughts.