Tension in your first sentence at Flogging the Quill
Chapters and Scenes at Kidlit.com
What High Concept Means by Nathan Bransford - think "Snakes on a Plane"
Learning From the Masters by Carolyn Kaufman at QueryTracker
Whom is the Person Which I Know? at The Blood-Red Pencil - quick tips to remember the rules
The science of paragraphing by Jordan McCollum
How to Write a Proposal That an Editor Will Love: Part 2 at The Roving Editor
From the Vault: What we do at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management - more things an agent does
Exclusives seem, to GK, nearly exclusively unwise. at Getting Past the Gatekeeper
Ignorant is as ignorant does at Behler Blog
Writing Online Book Reviews at Rants & Ramblings - tips for writers
Story Structure--Demystified, by Larry Brooks at AuthorCulture - a new writing book on my "I want it!" list
"The Familiars" - Arc giveaway and Guest Post by Andrew Jacobson at Market My Words - plus a post on log lines.
A New Contest: win a query or one-page critique from Snarky! at Getting Past the Gatekeeper - write a rejection letter for Snarky
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