Friday, July 12, 2013

Outside my bedroom window

have hatched two little birds. Cardinals, I think. They are bald, with just a bit of fuzz, and so ugly they're cute.
 Mama Bird seems to spend most of her day on shade duty - it's HOT here in Texas, and gruesome in the direct sun, particularly if you've just crawled out of a nice dark egg.

I swear, though, that these chicks' heads are almost as big as their eggs had been.

Mama Bird got bored with parasol duty and invited a girlfriend along to keep her company. It's so wonderful to have devoted friends!


  1. Oh, so adorable! Cute photos...

    1. What beautiful pics! I guess it shows that most females need another female to relate to. It looks like they were chirping in that picture.

    2. Thanks, Janet! I think they were having a good long gossip about the missing husband. ;-)

  2. Yep, those are female cardinals. Yay! Great pics, Deb. =o)

    1. Thanks, B.E.! I got a glimpse of daddy this morning. He didn't hang around long.

  3. Sweet. I had a mama duck make a nest in my yard and she laid 7 eggs. She just sat there all day, it was incredible. I would check on her in the morning. Tragically one morning she was gone and the eggs were all broken. It broke my heart. Probably a raccoon or black bear got to them.

    1. That's so sad, Adele Bee Ann. There's very little we can do to protect them, however much we want to.


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