Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Current links for writers - August 31

Step Off the Gas at The Blood-Red Pencil

EDITING FOR TOUGHIES at Help! I Need a Publisher! - The difference between a first draft and the final draft should be vast.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Time with an Editor or Agent at The Roving Editor

Talking to Book Clubs at Mystery Writing is Murder

To Endorse or Not to Endorse at Rants & Ramblings

Happy Release Day for The Paperback Shifter by Janice Hardy at The Other Side of the Story


Bio Time at Shooting Stars


  1. Hi Deb, been busy doing blogfests. First time I've done that. They were a lot of fun. Love the links as always. Especially needed Editing for Toughies since I've decided to do one last edit before resubmitting. Thanks!:D

  2. Hi Brenda! Wishing you great success with your edits! Thanks for commenting.


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