Do Flashbacks Change Reader Expectations? (Lost Mission Giveaway) at *A Brain Scientist's Take on Writing*
Getting Rid of the Boring Stuff at Mystery Writing is Murder
Re-Write Wednesday: Telling Yourself to Show at The Other Side of the Story
When To Tell Instead of Show at - I can see this working for MG, but do you think it works in YA and adult literature?
A Few Things the Salty Ones Taught Me by Barbara Samuel at Writer Unboxed
Getting the most out of a rewrite: Tips for authors at the Book Deal
why the first page of your manuscript is so dang important at Editorial Ass
One Possible Peril Of A Multi-book Deal at Pub Rants
Short and Not-Always-Sweet Answers at Rants & Ramblings
That was fun, wasn't it! Let's do it again: EVEN writing contest by Janet Reid
Kiersten White on Paranormalcy (eGalley ARC giveaway!) at Market My Words
Meg Gardiner and the Deadshrinker Interviewed by Sandra Parshall at POE'S DEADLY DAUGHTERS
Thanks Deb! I passed you a blogger award on my blog. Thanks for all the great info you provide for us!